
P4 Learners produce competent materials to be used in their planned original audio-visual media product
M2 Production of material is proficient. The production techniques and/or processes are fit for purpose and used effectively to create meaning within the planned outcome
D1 Materials produced are generally of a high technical standard and quality. Conventions of the chosen genre are followed, within the intentions of the production. The production techniques and/or processes are used to good effect to enhance meaning, within the intentions of the production

Production process and footage

- How did you set up the equipment properly? Camera & Tripod set up etc. (stills useful if possible)
- Did you follow the script/storyboard? Were their any shots you had to change,    if so why? how, yes/no
- Did you follow safe working practices? How? Link to Risk Assessment
- How did you follow your production process, were there any change in dates, equipment etc.?
- How did you know the equipment: sound and camera were working correctly - what process did you go through?
