

P2 Learners carry out at least one relevant recce and risk assessment for production stages, recording:

a) the outcome of recce(s)
b) any potential hazards / risks
c) their solution of any identified hazard/risk in line with health and safety procedures

Risk Assessments
Risk assessment is a fundamental part of managing health and safety and helps you to identify hazards and control the risk they create for those involved in your production. The process requires you to:
- Take the time to systematically look at your activities.
- Decide what hazards they present.
- Assess the risk of people being exposed to these hazards.
- Find ways to either eliminate or control them.

A) Location recces
Location scouting is an important process in the pre production stage of filmmaking. Once you know your storyboard and setting or scenario you have chosen for your opening, you will then need to do a location recce shoot and find exactly the setting you will frame your shoot. You may need various locations for various parts of your opening.

You need to go out and do a recce of your chosen locations and take photos from all the areas you will be shooting.

These should be detailed and show every possible location you will be filming. 

Go through your location recce photos and start to fill in the sheet provided.

- You should include all the photos of your location with an appropriate analysis and annotation of each photo to explain:
- Requirements. (Lighting, Permission slips etc.)
- Problems. (Equipment, Cast, Props etc.)
- How to resolve problems.

B) Risk Assessments
You now need to take your recce photos and include them in the risk assessment solution of risk sheets.
This explains each shot with the potential hazards and how you will overcome this.
i.e - Hot lighting equipment - Make sure it's off when not in use.

You should have your shots on the Recce & Risks form with the outcome of what hazards could occur, why they would and how you will prevent that.

C) Risks & hazards
Complete the risks and hazard forms ticking which numbers apply to your production with your solutions at the bottom.

Building permissions - The right forms completed to film in that particular building, ask for permission.


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